
Hi I'm Jawahirullah

Software Developer

A passionate developer with a strong foundation in Programming and problem solving and also interested in creating innovative applications and learning new technologies. You can find my projects by clicking here.

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Programming Languages

Java 90%
Javascript 85%
Html 90%
CSS 90%
MySQL 70%

Frameworks and Tools

Spring boot 80%
Hibernate 75%
React 75%
Maven 80%
Git 75%


E-commerce site for Books

This is an ecommerce website built using react and sprintboot. It access Google books api to fetch books info.

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Whatsapp UI Clone

Whatsapp UI Clone website contains chat list page, status list page, call log page, chat page, status page and call page.

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Online Diary Web application

Diary notes web applicaton. It contains login page, signup page, notes list page and etc..,

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Personal Portfolio website

My Personal portfolio website to discover a showcase of my skills, projects, and certificates, reflecting my passion for innovation and creativity.

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